Barnehager i Halden

Vår målsetting som Montessori barnehage

Vår målsetning er å være en barnehage der barna står fritt til å utvikle seg i sitt eget tempo og kan oppdage sine egne ressurser, interesser og potensiale.

På denne måten utvikler barnet seg til å bli ett trygt og harmonisk menneske som er klar for å oppdage og lære mer når det skal over i skolen.
Vi ønsker å være en betydningsfull brikke i ditt barns livslæringsløp.

Our goal as a Montessori kindergarten

Welcome to our Montessori kindergarten! We are a small, nurturing environment for children ages 0 to 6. Our goal is to provide a space where children can develop at their own pace and discover their own unique talents and interests.

Our classrooms are designed to support the Montessori method of education, which emphasizes self-directed learning and hands-on experiences. Our experienced teachers provide guidance and support to help each child reach their full potential.

We have 18 children in our kindergarten, with 6 in the 0 to 3 age range and 12 in the 3 to 6 age range. This allows for a small and intimate setting where every child’s needs can be met. Our classrooms are designed to be age-appropriate and stimulating, providing children with the resources they need to explore and learn.

We believe that the early years are the foundation for a child’s lifelong learning journey, and we strive to be an important piece in that journey. Our aim is to create a safe and harmonious environment where children can thrive and grow.

Thank you for considering our Montessori kindergarten for your child’s education. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have and schedule a tour of our facilities.